Plastic Circle -Jun Konishi solo exhibition
劃圈圈- 小西潤個展
2013 06. 21 -- 07. 21
Plastic Circle -Jun Konishi solo exhibition
One of the tenets of the early contemporary jewelry movement was “the need for jewelry to maintain its relationship with the body, and jewelry made with the intention that it be worn.” Konishi’s use of circles in many of his designs embraces this goal due to the circle’s strong connection to the human body. “In Japanese, the term is shintaisei, embodiment, which is the axis within oneself. What ties my work together as a whole is the sense of connection to the body. That’s the main theme. A circle is something that’s familiar, but when I think of the first people to wear jewelry, they used shells and made holes in them and used string to attach them to their ears–very primitive. I want to pursue that.” The whole collection of "Plastic Circle" are made of rings of neon plastic. Each ring is carved by hand from plastic buckets that Konishi selects for their bright colors. As he carves, the plastic curls into a ring, which he then links together with other rings to form interconnected chains.
Jun Konishi’s work, from small pins to big installations, certainly meets the conditions of the contemporary scene. Using his artistic imagination to transform ordinary materials into works of art, his work critically engage with its place in the world and once attached to a human host, the jewellery not only serve as testament to the taste of the wearer but also as a sign of change in the wider world. Konishi’s work, along with his energy, humor, and genuine enthusiasm, ensures us more inspiring years to come.
劃圈圈- 小西潤個展
二次世界大戰後,因為物資的缺乏讓當時前衛而充滿創意的設計者們開始使用所謂的「異材質」來實驗與創作,成為現在所謂的「當代首飾」。五十多年後的今天,出身於日本傳統工藝薈萃的金澤市,小西潤 Jun Konishi 用九年的時光在德國慕尼黑藝術學院師事於當代首飾大師 Otto Künzli,Künzli 的作品不僅跳脫了傳統珠寶的框架,甚至嘲諷當代首飾的侷限性,使他成為當代首飾藝術領域中的先鋒,而小西潤的作品中可以看出這一脈的思維,作品中使用許多日本日常用品為材質,創作的尺度小至別針到大型裝置藝術。
小西潤的當代首飾的創作不再顧忌傳統、功能性或是市場,重點在運用想像把最普通的材質巧妙地變成藝術作品,連結創作的人事時地,甚或成為這大世界中的一個改變。小西潤的作品不僅符合以上所述,他創作的熱情、幽默以及純粹更是持續感染著我們!這次有幸能夠邀請小西潤本人來到MANO慢鏝展出Plastic Circle系列,是他入選2013年慕尼黑Schmuck大展的系列作品,精彩可期。
講座 Lecture:Plastic Circle
主講人 Speaker:小西潤 Jun Konishi
時間 Time:2013.06.21 19:00 - 21:00
地點 Location:慢鏝工作室 Studio MANO
With his down-to-earthness, Japanese artist Jun Konishi lead us into his artistic life with this talk taken place at MANO's Taipei studio.