地下亮點_GITTE NYGAARD 當代首飾個展


2016 09. 28 -- 10. 22


地下亮點_GITTE NYGAARD 當代首飾個展

The classic division is between the body (and feet) as nature and the mind (and hands) as culture. When our ancestors Homo Erectus first stood up their hands and minds were free to craft, to create, to mold, shape and civilize the world around us. The walking body inhabits the world, but the thinking mind acts upon it.

 But what is left out is ‘the rhetoric of walking’. Walking is in fact an act of communication that has a grammar and a style all of its own. How people navigate spaces, the routes they choose and the ones they ignore, where they pause, falter, stop, rush and hang around can tell us a great deal about their relationship to the environment they inhabit. People ‘think through their feet’ and the body expresses things in a way that words cannot. Our two feet are carrying us through life, and to walk is an integrated part of our metaphorical relation to ourselves and to the world around us.

On the other hand, without physically moving, we are ‘Idlers’ all the time- zapping from channel to channel, wandering on the internet, buying on amazon, busy with Facebook. It’s not about showing up at the park in our Sunday best, we dress-up our profile and create our identity on social media, therefore we exist. We all ‘idle’ around constantly, in a never-ending stream of sensory input and experiences that we don't really engage ourselves in but pass through 24/7, and do not really deal with the ethical but simply the aesthetical.

I have walked the streets of Amsterdam and discovered what was right under my feet, glittering objects in the gutter, shiny and tiny containers, leftovers of festivities – an outcome of the basic human need for escapism and joy. I have followed two rules, taking time and embraced the journey, and left the rest up to serendipity.


“Obejects and Objections” talk by Gitte Nygaard

Time2016/10/01 (Sat.) 10:00-12:00

LocationReykjavik LabB1F. No.7 Sec. 1 Jinan Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei , Taiwan


Opening -

Time2016/10/01 (Sat.)  14:00

LocationMANO Select: No.18 ShaoXing S. St. ZhongZheng Dist., Taipei, TW



Exhibition -

 Time2016 / 09 / 28 — 10 / 22

 Hours | Wed. — Sat. 13 : 00 —20 : 00

 LocationMANO Select: No.18 ShaoXing S. St. ZhongZheng Dist., Taipei



TWDW Lecture - (Taiwan Designer’s Week Lecture)

“ Let's go outside – encounters in public space”

by Jair Strashnow & Gitte Nygaard

Time2016 / 10 / 02 (Sun.)  11:00-12:30

Location | TWDW Venue: No.133 Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei, Taiwan



Workshop at NTCRI (National Taiwan Research and Development Institute)–

“Material Matters” workshop by Jair Strashnow & Gitte Nygaard

Time2016 /10/03 (Mon.) – 10/12(Wed.) 


目標物:狂歡後街頭的地下亮點 - 陰溝裡閃亮亮的物件。

「散步的修辭學」是一種透過腳的思考,有其獨特語法和風格的溝通行為,人們如何選擇某些路線行走,或急、或徐、或流連、或蹣跚而行,蛛絲馬跡都透露著這個人與環境的曖昧關係 ; 藝術家的散步更是本能性的,用腳來觀察城市,眼光總是能看到一般人所忽視的,將這些被忽略的物件及概念,轉化為個人的創作,創造出新的印記。


丹麥藝術家Gitte Nygaard行走於阿姆斯特丹街頭,在狂歡後的街頭探尋那地下亮點:陰溝裡閃亮亮的物件,光亮的小容器 – 代表歡宴後的殘餘,也是人類逃避現實和尋求一時快樂的基本需要,Gitte以自己的語言轉化這城市歡愉後的廢棄物,在重新創造的路途中遵循兩個規則,悠閒地擁抱這個旅程,其他的留給偶然,在過程裡建構了自己新的城市,看不見的風景決定了看得見的風景。


聽講座 -
・時間|2016/10/01 (六) 10:00-12:00 (09:30開放入場) 
・地點|雷克雅維克實驗室:台北市中正區濟南路一段7號B1 / 電話:02-2397-0979
・交通位置|善導寺捷運站2/3號出口 / 開南商工正對面、立法院旁邊

開幕 -
・時間|2016/10/01(六)  14:00
・地點|慢鏝選東西MANO Select : 100台北市中正區紹興南街18號 / 電話:02-2322-5601

展覽 - 
 ・展期|2016 / 09 / 28 — 10 / 22
 ・時間 Hours | Wed. — Sat. 13 : 00 —20 : 00
 ・地點 Location | Mano Select 慢鏝選東西|台北市中正區紹興南街18號
 ・電話 Tel. | 02- 2322– 5601

灣設計師週講  - 

“Let's go outside-邂逅公共空間創作

by Jair Strashnow & Gitte Nygaard

Time2016 / 10 / 02 (Sun.)  11:00-12:30

Location | 台灣設計師週: 台北市信義區光復南路133好(松山文創園區第五倉庫)

















The Gutter Glitter collection is supported by_